Simple Sooji Upma

Andhrites are known for their love for Upma and Pesarattu.Last week DH Jay has volunteered to make this simple and delicious upma.Let us see how he made this recipe in his words-----------

Main Ingredients :
Cream of Wheat/Sooji..........1.5 cup
Water ..................................3 cups

Seasoning Ingredients :
Canola Oil........................3tsp
Cumin seeds.....................1tsp
Mustard Seeds.................1tsp
Chana Daal......................1tsp
Curry Leaves....................1sprig taste
Lemon Juice.....................few drops

Garnish :
Cilantro..........................few leaves
Preparation :
Pour oil into the pan and make it warm,  then add mustard seeds,cumin seeds, chana dal and wait for then to splutter and add cashew,ginger,chilli, and onion.

Stir for 2 to 3 min and then add water to the pan and wait a few minutes until the water comes to a boil. Then add salt and ghee and stir it once.

Now take sooji and add to the water slowly while continuously stirring the water so that no lumps are formed .

Once sooji is completely added let it cook covered for 3 minutes and garnish with cilantro.

Now delicious UPMA is ready to be serverd topped with few drops of lemon juice.You can have it as is or with a chutney or pickle of your choice.

I am sending this to His Cooking Event by hosted by Priti.

I am sending this to Cooking with seeds : Cumin event hosted by Sara and started by Priya.

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