Potato Yogurt Chutney

Who doesn't like potatoes? I don't think there would be any one who doesn't eat potato.In one form or the other it is consumed by people all over the world.In Indian cuisine we use it in curries,sambars,parathas and the list is endless.

Today I am posting a yogurt chutney recipe with potato.This is another very yummy yogurt chutney and just right for the summer time.We can make this chutney in 2 different ways and I am presenting you with one way of making it today.

Let us see how this is made-----------------

Main Ingredients :
Potatoes.........................2 med

Seasoning Ingredients :
Canola Oil.......................2tbsp
Cumin Seeds...................1tsp
Mustard Seeds................1/2tsp
Red Chilly.......................1
Curry Leaves...................few
Salt.................................to taste

Preparation :
Wash and cut potatoes into small cubes and dice the onion.Take the yogurt into a bowl and whisk it well and add salt and turmeric to it and mix well.

Place a pan on medium heat and add oil to it.Once oil is hot add mustard,cumin and red chilly.Once they start to splutter add hing and curry leaves.

Once the seasoning is ready add potatoes to the pan and stir well and cook it covered for 5minutes.

Take off the lid and add onions to it and stir well and cook coverd for few more minutes.Once the onion is added the potatoes become softer.

Now take out the lid add little salt(remember we already added salt to the yogurt)and stir well.You can see that the the potatoes and onions are very well steamed as we cooked it covered.Try to mash it a bit with the ladle.

Now switch off the stove and  transfer these potato-onion mix to the yogurt and mix well.

Yummy and delicious Potato Yogurt chutney is ready.Serve it with rice or rotis.

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