Swiss Chard Chutney

Couple of days back my friend mentioned that she made a delicious chutney with swiss chard and said that it tasted just like Gongura Chutney/Red Sorrel Leaves Chutney.When I asked her if she could share her recipe , she was very happy to share it with us and here is the recipe in her words.Thank you Sujatha.K for sharing this healthy and delicious recipe with us.

Here is the Swiss Chard Chutney recipe in my friend's word--------------------

Swiss chard has many benefits, it has good iron content and good alkaline nature food, good for sugar regulation, rich source of ani-oxidents and phytonutrients.

Ingredients :
Swiss Chard ................1 bunch(washed and cut including stems)
Tamarind paste............ 2 tsps
Cilantro stalks.............. handful
Turmeric......................1/4 tsp per taste
Red per taste, I put 3 long ones

Seasoning :
Canola Oil...................3tsp( 1 spoon for swiss chard and 2 spoons for seasoning)
Chana Daal..................1/2tsp
Urad Daal....................1/2tsp
Mustard Seeds.............1/4tsp
Cumin Seeds.................1/4tsp
Asafoetida ....................very little amount

Preparation :
Heat one tsp of oil and fry the washed and cut swiss chard breifly

Prepare the seasoning: Remove the cooked swiss chard and put 2 more tsps of oil and put all the ingredients of seasoning one after other and let them splutter. Add turmeric in the end.

Transfer the seasoning into the grinder container and add turmeric, salt and cooked swiss chard and cilantro stalks to it and grind it finely. Delicious Swiss Chard Chutney is ready to be served.

Hope you like it.

Once again thank you for sharing this delicious chutney with us.I will try it soon and let you all know how we enjoyed it and hope you would try it too.
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